

The following are just a few simple definitions of terms used. These are not aimed at being scientifically word for word but have been adapted to try and give an overview. However, if there is a name in a bracket with a date – that’s making sure we give credit to the person who did a wonderful job at clearly defining it for us.

Fight/Flight response – these terms describe how your body automatically responds to perceived danger. There are varying number of described terms out there but here are the main four;

Fight – facing up to the danger in an aggressive manner
Flight – the body’s urge to run away from the danger
Freeze – the inability to move or act against the threat
Fawn – attempt to avoid conflict by pleasing someone.

Positive Psychology – There are many complex definitions but a simplified version would be ‘the scientific study of what makes life most worth living’. Whereas other branches of psychology focus on dysfunction and abnormal behaviour, positive psychology is centred on helping people become happier, live meaningful and fulfilling lives by building on what is best within them to enhance their own experiences.

Resilience – the capacity to withstand or recover quickly from difficulties. It can also include the ability to adapt to challenging life experiences.

Resource – In context of the personal resources used when things aren’t going so well. Some examples are hope, optimism, resilience, self-belief.

Strength – To quote, it is a ‘built-in capacity for a particular way of thinking, feeling and behaving’ (Linley, 2008). Examples would be self-control, modesty, forgiveness, perspective, curiosity, courage, fairness, hope and passion. If this is an area that has sparked an interest check out



Self-awareness – the ability to interpret your actions, feelings and thoughts objectively and manage them accordingly. To be highly self-aware allows you to both understand correctly how others perceive you and reflect on your internal emotions and manage them.

Self-belief – is the way you feel about yourself regardless of your achievements or other things you feel confident in.

Self- confidence – is your belief in yourself and your abilities to accomplish a goal

Self-esteem – what we think, feel and believe about ourselves. Whether you appreciate and value yourself. It can develop and change as a result of life experiences and interactions with other people. It involves our thoughts and emotions and influences how we see others and how we engage in the world.

Self-worth – similar to self esteem but on a much larger scale of the belief that we are a valuable human being worthy of love.

Wellbeing – the general positive feeling that life is going well. Being happy, healthy, content, feeling safe and secure. The combination of physical, mental, psychological, social and spiritual health as an overall state of health.