How it Works

To start – simply send an enquiry

Send an enquiry using the contact form and you will receive an email back to arrange a good time for both of you to have an informal chat over the phone – a video chat if you feel comfortable.

There is nothing lost by sending an enquiry – jot down the basics or just ask for a call back.

You will be spending a lot of time working closely with each other so this initial chat is not only for Karis to listen and begin to understand where you are at, but also for both to see how you get on with each other and if you ‘fit’ in terms of a coaching partnership.

Coaching requires trust, sharing and openness. This first free call back is often described as a chemistry session – is there enough chemistry to work together and build a partnership that will be effective for both of you. In essence, it is a discovery chat – an exploration and the first meet and greet.

  • Please take a look at the standard Coaching Contract template to see the details of what you  would receive if both of you decide that you would like to continue.
  • Ideally, the first session would be in person, but if location and logistics make this tricky, then Zoom is also an effective, safe place for the sessions. The details of when, where and how to meet will be discussed in the initial discovery chat.
  • No coaching contract is the same so the number of sessions to start with, details of how feedback is given, and responsibilities of both parties will be reviewed and mutually agreed upon.

Coaching sessions and you

Coaching sessions will usually begin with prioritising and agreeing on the areas or goals to work on in that session.

In order for you to maximise what you get from coaching, and to be fully committed and motivated in the process, please come prepared for each session with the following;

  • An idea of what you want to work on
  • An update on any recent developments in order for Karis to best assist you
  • A de-brief of any completed tasks and action plans if these were agreed on in a previous session, or obstacles encountered that have prevented completion.

In order to help you, permission will be asked to explore, question and respectfully challenge any potentially self-limiting beliefs or behaviours observed. In addition, you agree to take full responsibility for yourself and any action you undertake resulting from coaching.

It begins with a safe place to talk

The coaching space is open minded, non-judgemental, respectful and focused.

Coaching is all about you – where you are, where you want to be, and enjoying the journey in between.


Collette McIntyre – Trick riding professional

I recommend her to anyone who needs a little nudge into seeing what would be a seemingly difficult situation in a new light and perspective which is highly motivational!


Collette McIntyre

“I felt my goals were her goals and we were going to reach the end result regardless of what trials and tribulations we may have faced.  A truly wonderful coach!”