Why choose coaching?

Getting to the point - making a change and getting clarity is easier and quicker with a coach.

The human brain is negatively biased – that is, it is simply wired to remember the bad experiences and not so much the good. Just like when you reminisce about that bad thing that happened at work whilst your co-worker remembers more of the good parts.

This was useful in the caveman days as it kept us alive by remembering what tried to kill us that week. Unfortunately now, it means that it is natural to collect more examples that prove that something isn’t good.

For example, when you know you are bad at presenting in front of a group because you collected lots of examples of when, in your eyes, it went badly.

But, what the brain also does, is it stops us from noticing and acknowledging the good points in new experiences. Stopping us from re-evaluating whether the original belief we have is actually true anymore.

Bear with us on the next bit…

Things we experience in life are stored as memories, mostly as little stories we put together at the time of the experience – some exist as mini movies we can replay at the drop of a hat.

However, memories degrade over 24 hours so what remains and what we recall may not always be the truth.

These experiences are also stored only from your view point – so, can it be totally accurate?

Some stories we tell ourselves are so strong that they become ‘facts’ about what we believe about our self.

It can be these beliefs that may be holding us back from going after what we really want.

It is human to get stuck in this pattern of thinking. In addition, daily life leaves us with little time to check in with ourselves to see if the picture has changed. Time passes and a repeating thought such as ‘you’re not good enough’ replays just when you are offered an exciting new opportunity….

This is where the coach comes in.

The process of seeing the big picture and re-evaluating is easier with a third person. Proven by the fact that we often seek others to talk about things on our mind.

Coaching sessions are a safe place to work through a topic with the expertise of an experienced coach knowing how to take you through the process to get to your own solution;

  • It gives you dedicated time with the expertise of questioning, challenging and coaching techniques to get you where you need to be quicker and with greater insight.
  • Working together with this greater awareness, we will unpick doubts and thoughts that seem to be making change difficult – checking in to see whether those stories are true or need updating.
  • Through the combination of developing strengths, increasing your awareness, and reducing the factors that hinder you, not only will you be able to take that leap, but the change you achieve will be more significant than if you go the journey on your own.

So,  What will I get out of it?

Coaching sessions alone will re-energise you and make you feel good. Every person’s reason for seeking a coach is unique so here are what you can get out of coaching;

  • Gain clarity about an issue that you haven’t been able to see clearly enough to see a solution
  • Remind yourself of your strengths and maybe discover new ones
  • Start to use your strengths to get you to where you want to be.
  • Reduce nerves and/or anxiety about something that you wish you could do more confidently
  • Clearly plan out the path to get to a clear goal in steps that are achievable
  • Help you maintain consistent momentum to a goal
  • Develop sustainable habits and routines that lead to success
  • Unpick doubts and thoughts that repeatedly hold you back
  • Understand yourself at a deeper level and show yourself more compassion – you are human
  • A boost to your wellbeing (see Glossary) and increase the resources you have to draw on when life hits you with a curve ball.

Life is unpredictable but full of opportunities waiting to be taken.


Rebecca Stockdale – Innovation Consultant

Karis is one of the most empathetic and reassuring people I’ve met in a long time. She holds a safe space where thoughts, mindset and beliefs can be considered, the right path forward can be developed and you feel heard and seen.


Collette McIntyre

“Karis is very intuitive with her coaching methods, which allowed me as a sports performer to overcome any fears and mental blocks which would have otherwise impeded my training”